
“Spiritually Confident” workshops listed below.  Stay attuned for more upcoming dates! In the meantime, you can get a sneak peek at some of the workshop notes below, and don’t forget to click on the menu heading for “Quick Course” to take the self-guided “Dr. Zeus’s Quick Course: 10 Revealing Experiments to Help You ‘Learn into’ your Emotions” as an intriguing introduction to the approach, as well as my free GIFT to you!

January 21, 2018: “Spiritually Confident Living” (Dr. Zeus Yiamouyiannis) as part of Regina’s Deep Dive workshop (January 19-21, 2018), Sedona, Arizona.

“Spiritually Confident” principles discussed at the workshop:

  • Spiritual confidence increases your responsibility Spirituality is response-ability.

  • Spiritual confidence involves aware choice and exercise of sovereignty from your being. No god or alien is going to save you from yourself.

  • Spiritual confidence requires There are no shortcuts spiritually.  “Looking good” and appearing to be pious do not cut it.

  • In spiritual confidence, your being and your life are an original blessing not an original sin. You don’t have to make up for being born.

  • Spiritual confidence means a different kind of honoring. No higher power or spiritual being worth its salt would ever demand obedient worship.

  • To the spiritually confident, knowledge is the paramount virtue and leads to health and refinement. Ignorance is the paramount vice and leads to degradation.  Truth is the deciding medium between the two.

  • Spiritual confidence means “no excuses.” Deal with what is in front of you. If you hurt someone, recognize it.  If you failed, learn from it.

  • Spiritual confidence always requires rebellion—against our prejudices, our comforts, our platitudes, our assumptions, our devolutionary social norms.

  • Spiritual confidence is not just the “inner” but the inner meeting the outer.

  • Spiritual confidence requires discernment not moralistic judgment.

  • Spiritual confidence is intrinsic rather than instrumental, non-material rather than material, absolute rather than relative, unconditional rather than conditional.