Welcome, I’m Dr. Zeus. This is the first of many blogs on AskDrZeus.com, a resource for a new vision of counseling and coaching which sees “you,” not as your problems, nor even your dreams, but as an active conversation with LIFE.
Old counseling and coaching frameworks don’t seem to work well any more. Their ideal person is someone capable of being functional in a dysfunctional world, rather than someone who draws upon their own unique creativity and courage to make a more just and compassionate world.
When it comes to addressing relationships, many counselors seem committed to simply applying psychological bandages to the fundamental differences in needs and desires between two people. AskDrZeus takes the exact opposite approach– bringing forth the differences, needs, and desires of couples as a basis to learn, transform, and become an ardent advocate of their partner’s deeper aspirations. AskDrZeus assists you to work for the best for your loved ones from the best of you. Again, this takes on the form of a conversation rather than an imposition.
By placing YOU in the middle of your own story, and by assisting you in developing that story, rather than mimicking other people’s visions and kowtowing to other people’s expectations, AskDrZeus puts the power where it needs to be… in your hands. I won’t try to make you functional for a dysfunctional world or relationship. I don’t use psychological bandages. I help you to develop psychological strength to become vulnerable, honest, AND street smart.
Listening to, developing, and refining the human spirit is an adventurous journey, not the stuff of a four-hour workshop that promises amazing, lasting results if you just follow this or that formula. The human spirit cannot be compartmentalized to a 50-minute session, but it can be guided to find its own legs and confidence. It can “learn into” and experiment with effective emotional tools. It can grow and become ever more curious. It can become enterprising, seeing the world not simply as a threat but an opportunity to apply one’s highest self.
By now, I am sure you’ve become leery of come-ons: “Here’s the perfect formula for gratitude, and by the way you’ll be rich and happy beyond your wildest imagination.” At AskDrZeus, I don’t promise you the world. I promise you an opportunity to claim and develop your self from your own deeper intuitions. “What am I?” “What am I not?” “Where am I?” “What are these life struggles and triumphs telling me?”
Where is the “you” in all of this life stuff, the real and authentic, deep-down aspiring, struggling, creating unique human being? Here is the truth in a nutshell: “You” are a conversation with life. AskDrZeus, the website, and I, Dr. Zeus, the counselor and coach, help you with this conversation with life—to clarify, reveal, adventure, keenly intuit the deep things of the self, and develop powerful, authentic ways to relate to others.
We live in challenging, changing times, but we also live in creative times. The reality is this: There has never been a better time to be who you are. Old promises are no longer delivering. Experts are failing. Even “tried and true” sell-outs don’t work anymore!
This frees you up us up to experiment with and invent your life. You don’t have to pretend to be a success in someone else’s eyes according to someone else’s definition. You can cast off the shallow and navel-gazing aspects of society and learn to form committed connections based on deep interest and sharing.
Please, join the conversation here at AskDrZeus or sign up for one of my free 15 minute consultations, to see if you could benefit from personal counseling or coaching sessions. Let’s expand and deepen the conversation. Let us work together for lives well-lived.